Our Family

Big Blast Ministries is led by Pastors Steve & Janet Raeburn and their family - David, Adam, and Kathryn. Pastor Steve and Pastor Janet are both full-time children's and family evangelists - who use balloons, illusions, music, Bible stories, puppets, art, scripture memorization, games and a whole lot of fun to teach people (of ALL ages) about Jesus Christ.
Pastor Steve and Pastor Janet are both ordained elders and tenured evangelists in the Church of the Nazarene. In fact, Pastor Janet is one of only three tenured women evangelists in the Nazarene church worldwide. We have been full time for more than fifteen years and even before that, we were working in the local churches - leading Sunday School classes, teaching Children's Church, directing Vacation Bible Schools, and many other events. Currently, it is just Pastor Steve, Pastor Janet and Kathryn who travel together. Big Blast Ministries has been to 31 states, parts of Canada and Honduras!
We believe in the Trinity or Three-in-One, consisting of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. There is only one God, who created everything from nothing. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We believe God had a plan right from the beginning to send Jesus Christ to earth through the virgin birth, to be crucified, and rise again so that each of us can be saved. We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back again someday! We believe that the Holy Spirit is still actively working today in the Church, convincing the world of sin, and regenerating and guiding those who repent and believe so that we will be Christ-like.

Meet The Team

Steve Raeburn

Janet Raeburn

David Raeburn

Adam Raeburn